CA San Jose VCET Special Operations Patch

Approx. 4"

Symbol Arts sticker on back

In 1994, the San Jose Police Department created the Violent Crimes Enforcement Team (VCET). The establishment of VCET was a result of collaboration from stakeholders of the Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force (MGPTF) and the San Jose Police Department (SJPD). Its mission was to work collaboratively with the MGPTF to reduce youth violence, utilizing a three-pronged strategy of Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression. From the onset, VCET was fully embraced by members of the SJPD and the community. VCET was not only effective with its suppression efforts, but also was held in high regard for its prevention and intervention work with the MGPTF and the community.

Due to budget cuts, the Department eliminated VCET and consolidated gang enforcement into the Metro Unit in 2010. With the resurgence of gang violence in 2013, and in an effort to suppress the impacts, then Police Chief Larry Esquivel re-established a gang enforcement unit and renamed it GSU (Gang Suppression Unit). Members of GSU and many other Department members expressed a strong desire to bring back the original VCET name and replace the GSU designation. VCET had great historical value to the members of the Department and due to its history, a much more recognizable name amongst the community in our gang enforcement efforts. In May, 2016 Chief Garcia re-named the Gang Suppression Unit to VCET.

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